Error Code
202 (Successful) |
The document was successfully created/accepted and queued for further processing.
Successful. |
400 (Failed)
Bad request. Invalid request syntax or format. |
Contact RT Technical Support. |
403 (Failed)
Invalid authentication or invalid parameter. |
Refer to the response header to see the actual description of the error. Common causes are:
Invalid username/password– Refer to the account credentials endorsed by RT.
Contact RT Technical Support if error persists.
Mobile number whitelisting error – Contact RT Technical Support for investigation/mobile number provisioning.
Invalid msisdn/mobile number – Mobile number format may be incorrect or not included in the mobile number ranges of the telcos. |
404 (Failed)
Not Found. Invalid URL
Refer to the account credentials endorsed by RT.
Contact RT Technical Support if error persists.
405 (Failed)
Request method is not allowed.
Refer to the API document.
429 (Failed)
Rate limit error.
Throttle based on the provided rate limit policies.
May escalate to RT Technical Support for further assistance.
500 (Failed)
Internal Server Error |
Contact RT Technical Support.
502 (Failed)
Bad Gateway
Contact RT Technical Support.
503 (Failed) |
Service Unavailable |
Contact RT Technical Support. |
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