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Do-It-Yourself Text Blast Service

Get your message across to millions of customers in less than 5 minutes with Kast’s bulk SMS service platform

Do-It-Yourself Text Blast Service

Get your message across to millions of customers in less than 5 minutes with Kast’s bulk SMS service platform

Cover More Ground In No Time

Enable your company to facilitate your own bulk SMS campaigns through a simplified, fast, reliable and secure SMS connectivity platform. Set your contact list and start sending branded or personalized messages in bulk. Let Kast be part of your strategy in boosting customer retention and sales.

Cover More Ground In No Time

Enable your company to facilitate your own bulk SMS campaigns through a simplified, fast, reliable and secure SMS connectivity platform. Set your contact list and start sending branded or personalized messages in bulk. Let Kast be part of your strategy in boosting customer retention and sales.

Create & Preview Your Message

Create broadcast message with ease in Kast’s message builder. All functions are made intuitively to allow anybody to become a campaign officer. Through the preview pane, you can also have a quick look at how your message will appear on your subscriber’s device.

Schedule your broadcast date when your not yet ready to send it right.

Organize Contacts

Never have to upload your contacts one-by-one, but you can still do it if you need to. With bulk import of contacts, you can upload up to a million numbers at once and tag them according to their use or other category. Contact tagging allows you to access different types of contacts for different broadcast purposes.

Monitor Broadcast Performance in One Screen

Kast’s dashboard lets you have a quick and complete look at how many contacts you have been reaching so far, how many messages have been sent across, and how much of them are billable. Kast also shows a day-by-day graphical representation of your broadcast that can help you form a trend for your broadcasting activities.

Kast for Developers

Send Bulk and Instant SMS using Kast API for app-to-person messages

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